Now, you can cap the number of Family Members
Remember we built the Booking Restrictions feature to ensure that everyone gets fair and equitable access to booking slots for shared amenities? Now, consider this case- You are trying to set up the bookings for your facility that has a maximum of 15 spots. One member tries to avail for their entire family and ends up booking 14 out of those 15. How will your facility in that case ensure fair and reasonable usage access to other members or member families within that community?
To fix this most raised issue, Omnify has now come up with a solution to establish such controlled access to family bookings for common facilities. This new product update of ‘Capping Number of Family Members’, is a prudent way in which associations such as HOAs, Condominium Associations, Parks and Rec centers and businesses like clubs, pools, gyms, etc can seamlessly place limitations to the number of family members that could be added to a household by a client. With this feature in place, facilities can continue operations allowing fair access to different households within a community.
How to set up the ‘Capping number of family members’ feature?
Family Members cap applies on both Dashboard and Service Store.
Now admins can set an upper cap for the number of family members that can be added by clients. To set the cap in the dashboard, follow these simple steps as shown in the gif below-
Navigate to the Omnify Dashboard, go to Settings > Booking flow (Under Bookings and Payments) > Client accounts > Size of family* to modify this setting

Depending on the nature and size of a community’s facility, the number of family members added by a client may vary. To make this simple while keeping the restrictions up to the limit of 20, family members could be easily added or removed.
The images shown below appear when the limit set by a business/facility is reached by their clients.

While, this is how it reflects in the Service Store- Service store - View profile > Family

When a client tries to book a slot for a family member over and the above the upper limit set by a business, this is how it appears-
Service store > Booking flow > Checkout page

- Family Capping feature is not plan restricted, & available on all plans.
- Minimum number that can be set by admins/businesses is 2 and maximum is 20.
- The capping of 20 max family members INCLUDES the parent account as well.
We hope this feature update helps you maintain fair usage access for all your community members. More power to you!
Also, Let us know what you think about our new update. Please share your feedback on
With love,
Team Omnify 💚
Set fair access to shared facilities with Omnify - 'Capping Number of Family Members'. Admins can establish controlled access to family bookings now!